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Manuel Díaz Bejarano!

On my old blog, REH Illustrated, I posted a substantial amount of information about the Sword Studio Conan comics, and a number of my posts featured artists involved in that project. These posts caught the attention of Spanish artist Manuel Díaz Bejarano (who was one of the artists involved), and I quickly discovered what a super nice guy he really is!

First, check out some of Manuel's artwork on The Dreamers (a few samples below)...I must say, I really love his Lady Sonja...very feminine...

Now my story. Over on his blog, el blog de mdiaz, Manuel had several posts featuring a Red Sonja comic he was "working" on, entitled "Proyecto Abandonado" (Abandoned Project!!!) I thought that if I was to color one of those pages and send it to him, it might be good enough (or bad enough) to encourage him to finish the project (it was Red Sonja, after all!).

Page 1 of "Proyecto Abandonado"

Unfortuately, he's very busy working on another project right now, and despite the language barrier (he speaks perfect Spanish, and umm, I speak perfect English), and the fact that I had never done anything like this before, he was very patient with me, and was also kind enough to suggest that if I finished coloring the pages, he would add the dialogs (in Spanish, of course), so I could translate it into English. Needless to say, I gladly accepted! And here it is, the finished project!

Gracias Manuel, I really enjoyed the experience!


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