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80's Tees, Repost!

MACHA AND NEMAIN! Pretty hard to follow a post like that one Reis! I kinda feel like the opening act going on AFTER the headliner. You gave us stunning artwork, and followed it up with a punchline that couldn't fail (hell, you didn't even need to make a sentence there...a simple "dog crap" and "thrown up pizza" would have been sufficient.) Acorndog's comment was the icing on the cake - I broke a rib.

OK (deep breath)...think dammit think...Yes, recycle one of Reis's old posts, can't go wrong there (and environmentally friendly!)

The 80's...best time of my life! Yah, I'm old...most of the hair that used to grow exclusively on the top of my head has long since migrated to warmer climes (ears, nose, feet). When I need an escape, back to when hair (namely MY hair) was larger than life, I head over to 80's Tees and snoop around. Hmm, for some reason these "tees" are a whole lot cooler than I remember them being in the 80's...

No punchline required.

Ahh, the age old question...What is best in life? Lamenting women, of course!


And finally, this gem...Crush your enemies!! Love the expression on Arnold's face. Makes me think that he just pulled that blade out of his ass.
Reis did post on this a while back (HERE), but my repost is a whole lot funnier! If you don't think so, then, um, dog crap? Thrown up pizza?


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