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Jaime Brocal Remohi!

I've heard the late great Spanish artist Jaime Brocal Remohi referred to as the "European Frazetta"...I've seen a whole lot of his artwork, and it is indeed incredible!

Remohi spent most of the 60's and 70's mastering his craft, creating a bunch of barbarian comics in Europe with crazy cool names such as "Katan" (1960), "Ögan" (1966), "Kronan" (1972), which btw, according to Jaime's son (you guessed it, Jaime Brocal Jr), his father did not know of Conan when he chose the name Kronan, "Arcane" (1974), and "Taar" (1976). A friggin' barbarian smorgasbord! Get gutteral and scream out those names...OOOOGAAAN! TAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!

OK, what's up with the "booties" in that last picture?


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