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The Savage Kingdom of Conan!

Between 2000-04, Spanish publisher Forum re-released their Conan Rey (King Conan) Marvel reprints. This time round, it was under the title El Reino Salvaje de Conan (The Savage Kingdom of Conan), and featured original cover art courtesy of a number of Spanish artists, primarily Jesús Merino, Jesús Sáiz, and Javier Pina. Great stuff!!! Below are some of my favorites...and here's a link to download all forty covers in all of their hi-res glory!

40 Covers, Download via Megaupload

Jesús Sáiz - Fernando Blanco

Jesús Sáiz - Fernando Blanco

Jesús Merino - Enrique Díaz

Jesús Merino - Enrique Díaz

Javier Pina - Pedro Espinosa

Javier Pina - Fernando Blanco - Pedro Espinosa

If you want to learn more about this series, Google translate over to Universo Marvel for details.

Thanks again to CROM! reader Mike DeStasio for reminding me about these!...they got lost in the shuffle...I'm thinking I'll just get it over with and rename "My Documents" to "My Rats Nest"!


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