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I keep a pretty close eye on the list of “followers”, mostly out of fear that I might scare off some of Reis’s loyal fans…when I saw the latest addition yesterday…well…I peed a little. Damn, I knew this was something to expect as I got older, but so soon? Ah, hell…when my wife starts asking about the smell, I can always blame the cat…

Tommy Salami, consider yourself dethroned as the follower with the coolest name at Crom! The new king is JOE JUSKO!

LEGENDARY fantasy and sci-fi artist Joe Jusko! I have no qualms about putting you on the same pedestal as Frank Frazetta and Boris as the BEST fantasy artist of all time! I’m Canadian, so perhaps this doesn’t hold as much water coming from me, but…Joe (can I call you Joe?)…you, sir, are an AMERICAN ICON! Any naysayers out there, go directly to Joe’s gallery on deviantART,or to The Official Website of Joe Jusko, and if you still don't agree, well then...it's not me, it's YOU!...

Joe, I’m “borrowing” a couple of your pictures from deviantART (so very sorry in advance)…

Stunning! I'm speechless. Now, dammit, go out and buy Joe’s Art Book, and then afterwards, send him all the money you have left in your wallet! CROM COMMANDS YOU!


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