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I'll Be Taking a Small Break from CROM!

Hail Fellow Conan Fans!

As some of you may have noticed, I've run into some serious image hosting issues, mostly stemming from Photobucket being a bunch of douchebags. So, instead of seeing all of my images that I have posted over the past year, you're getting an "Exceeded Bandwidth" graphic.

To combat this, I finally bought a pro Flickr account, so I will never run into storage or bandwidth limits again. Unfortunately, this means that I'll have to replace every single image that I have posted, with a newly hosted copy. This may take a while. Especially as I have to take care of my other blog Geek Orthodox as well.

Sorry about all of this. So bear with me and all will be back to normal soon.

In the meantime, fellow CROM! blogger, Cromsblood, is doing a killer job and I have faith that you are in good hands until I return!

See you all again soon!



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