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Scandinavian Conan Covers!

The Norwegian site Mineserier.No has one FANTASTIC compilation of Scandinavian Conan covers! I believe many of these are from Finnish publications (I could be wrong), and make no mistake, these covers have it all!

Shocking Revelations!
(Conan did what?)

Awesome Classics!!
(Joe, you rock!)

Local Talent!
(I can't quite make out the signature, but it looks distinctively Scandinavian...)

(Hell, if it's Conan related, and these two vixens will be invigilating, I'll take that damn quiz!)

Funny Sayings!
(Does that say "Blod Coks"?...Den Brune Manns Knokler!!!)

Compromising Positions!
(Well, hello there little lady...)

Full Frontal Nudity!!!
(sorry...visit the site to see these naughty bits and more!)

...and more importantly...

Belits Død!!!!
(oh yeah!...um, what's a død?)

Seriously people...check it out, you won't regret it!

*EDIT* I had a long look at the signatures of that unknown "local talent"...turns out it's Vebjorn Strommen (from Norway), and his artwork graces the covers of many of these Conan comics! Have a look at his gallery HERE.


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