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La Reina de la Costa Negra…Reprints, Updated!

(That is, updated based on my original post over on REH ILLUSTRATED.)

So, you love Conan comics, and you’re wanting to get your hands on a copy of La Reina de la Costa Negra…but how? Well, if you want the real thing, your best bet is probably to head down to Mexico (although the only things you might return with are an STD and a bad hangover...damn you, tequila!). If you want to play it safe (like I should have done), keep a close eye on eBay, where this comic pops up from time to time. If you’re not fussy, reprints are likely a little easier to come by…first, go and visit Jim Van Hise at his eBay store Sword and Planet Books and Comics, where hopefully you can still pick up one of these issues:

You'll also find Jim's Sword & Fantasy #8 fanzine there, which includes "a 32 page reprint of a 1960’s Mexican Conan comic book" (translated into English):

If that doesn’t pan out for you, I’ve read that one issue of "La Reina" was reproduced in the Spanish fanzine Sword (Issue #3, 3rd Era, Sept. 1999), but good luck finding it:

That's a JAFAR (José Antonio Fernández Agüera Rojo) cover, btw...

And if you're really (REALLY) lucky, you just might be able to find issues #22 and #23 of the fanzine REHUPA (from 1976), where apparently ten (count 'em, TEN!) glorious issues of “La Reina…” have been published (and already translated into English by one “B. Tyger”). Happy hunting!


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