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Russian Conan Fan Comics!

Here are a couple of Russian Conan Comics that I translated into English a while back. If you're wondering just how one might go about this (that is, without hiring someone to do the translation), well, it's not exactly easy...long story short:

I start by switching my keyboard to Russian layout, and get myself a picture of that keyboard layout for reference. Then, I meticulously type all the Russian text into my favorite word processor. Next, I push all this text through three or four different online translation services (i.e. Google translate), and compare the results to try and recreate the dialog in English. For the tough words (those that just won't translate), I find an online dictionary that might provide insight into what those words are. Once I'm happy with the translation, I format and then paste the translated text into the original comics (which is a whole other story). There you go, now you are in the know!

OK, on with the comics...

From the website artbest.narod.ru and Таня (Tanya), comes this splendid Conan fan comic...

Download it (23 pages, color, English) in all it's glory here, via Rapidshare or Megaupload!
Oh, and if you enjoy the artwork, also check out Tanya's gallery here.

Next up, a web comic by Dmitry Koydan (a.k.a. p0ltergeist), based on the Robert E. Howard story "The Tower of the Elephant" (I suppose that's СОНАН, КОНАН, or КОНАНE in Russia). It was originally posted on his site here, and was later posted under the logo "Bear Comics" (a somewhat colorized version) here.

Download the real deal (10 pages, B&W, English) here, via either Rapidshare or Megaupload!

These comics are in .cbr format, so if you haven't already, download something like Comical , ComicRack , or CDisplay in order to read 'em.

Repost, originally aired over on the soon to be defunct REH Illustrated.


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