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Conan Comics of Turkey...Megapost!

Let's get the history lesson out of the way first, so that those of you who might be interested in finding out more about Turkish made Conan material have a "jumping off" point:

To the best of my knowledge, Alfa Publishing was the primary contributer to Conan's fame in Turkey, and Aksoy Publishing played a minor role. The majority of the material was Marvel reprints, of which there were numerous runs in the 80's, 90's, and 2000's. There were though, a few Turkish artists with involvement in the Alfa material. According to the site Comics Publishers of Turkey, Yildirim Örer and Sezai Ýdi developed a Conan/Superman crossover for issue #57 (25.11.1983) of Alfa's second Conan weekly series, and apparently Örer also created a Conan/Tarzan crossover at some point. Furthermore, Örer was responsible for the Conan parody "Angut Şipşakkesergezer", which appeared on the back covers of this same series, beginning with issue #66 (samples below!).

According to our good friends over at the Çizgili Forum at some point during Alfa Publishing's first Conan run (1980-81), they were feeling pressure from "outside sources" to stop using certain Savage Sword covers, hence a bunch of originals from Istanbul artist Ömer Muz! I suspect that he may have drawn inspiration (no pun intended) from Marvel comics of the day, as the first example below points out. Regardless, a great artist, and yet another great contributer to REH fandom.

Below, some examples of Ömer Muz's artwork:

Below are several download links from our friends over at the Çizgili Forum , for those of you interested in a healthy dose of covers (high quality scans) from Conan comics published in Turkey. Largely, these are reprints of Marvel issues, but many of them are Ömer Muz covers (including ones that I didn't post above), and others seem completely unfamiliar to me, i.e.:

Note: I've added a several more download links that didn't appear in my original post over on REH ILLUSTRATED, which includes some artwork that I don't believe I have seen before:

And here are a couple of covers from Çizgili that aren't in the downloads above, but seem quite unique (i.e. have you ever seen Conan "swapping spit" on the cover of any Conan comic?)

Finally, a couple of Yildrim Örer's "Angut Şipşakkesergezer", "loosely" translated into English. Note: I discovered that "Angut Şipşakkesergezer" is the central character in this Conan parody, and suspect that it's basically "Arnold Schwarzenegger", only funnier.

(click on images to enlarge)

Light/fun humor, kinda like Archie. Whew! Class dismissed!


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