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Blonde Sonja!

Beginning in Sept. 1978, famous Spanish comic artist Rafael López Espí was the cover artist for a series of reprints of Marvel's Red Sonja comics, published by Vertice. This series (11 issues) contained stories from Red Sonja Volume 1, Marvel Feature presents, and The Savage Sword of Conan. I love these covers, primarily because the first 8 issues give us a glimpse at what the blonde Red Sonya might look like...then mysteriously her hair color changes. You can learn more about Rafael at the Official López Espí Fan Club. All the Sonja covers below are from Universo Marvel.

That got me wondering just how many other blonde Sonja's are out there? I snooped around, and found this one, courtesy of Spanish artist Francisco "Paco" Nájera Ortega , which I suspect is based on the Espí covers...

Nothing much else found on the likes of Google, Photobucket or Flickr, but I did discover that Axebone over at deviantART has a bit of an affinity for blonde Sonja...oh yeah!!!

Lastly, I did come across this photo (below)...WOW! She would make a terrific blonde Sonja! Even the ears are starting to grow on me (figuratively speaking)...


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