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Insidious Customs!

Long time CROM! reader and even longer time Conan fan Eric has recently finished a couple of new custom action figures that you simply must check out!

First up, it’s Roy Thomas’s sexy she-devil with attitude, the one and only Red Sonja!

Eric, you need to change the "insidious" to "incendiary", cause your Sonja custom is hot! More about this way cool custom right….HERE!

And then there’s this custom…yup, it's you know who!

Oh man, yet another righteous addition to the world of Conan collectibles! More pics courtesy of Eric can be found …HERE!

Now follow one of the links above to head on over to Eric’s home away from home, http://insidiouscustoms.blogspot.com/, for more details, pics, and other such awesomeness…then follow his links onward to Ebay and pick up these two cool customs, the ultimate Christmas stocking stuffers!

Or better yet, send them my way because I’m getting pretty tired of all the damn socks and oranges in my stocking.

A hearty CROM! shout out to Eric for all of this!


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