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Camilla Leyland

Ipar tiri Tony Blair, Lauren Booth, was not alone chose Islam as his new religion after a visit to the holy city of Qom, Iran. Options faith Iranian journalist and television anchor was apparently also followed a number of other British modern woman.

Eve Ahmed, women who are career as a writer among them. She was born in London, his mother and his father Muslim Britons of Pakistani origin. Childhood, he grew in accordance with the faith of his father. But in fact he could not accept. "When she was 18 years old and in college, I reject it."

Islam, so far, always rejected her. According to his testimony, many trivial things that are forbidden by Islam. For example, should not chew gum, bike riding, decorated, showing the curves, should not eat on the road, cut hair or paint firm.

All the ban was never explained by her father, including why no dogs allowed. And, of course, sit down with him, shake hands, as well as intercourse with a man who is not strange.

Islamic values like that forced his father to be becoming a good Muslim. As an independent woman who grew up in England, his father rejected harsh attitude. He chose as a modern woman. However, now the Islamic values taught by his father enjoyed in the midst of modern British life.

In addition to Eve, there was Lauren Booth, 43 years old. Journalists and television broadcaster after a new convert every now wear the hijab out of the house, praying five times a day and the congregation at the local mosque, "If there is a chance."

Booth decided to become a Muslim woman six weeks ago after a visit to the shrine of Fatima al-Masumeh in Qom city, saying "On Tuesday evening, I sat cross-legged beneath Rokhani like getting an injection, an infinite happiness."

Prior to working in Iran, her sympathy with Islam and spent time working in Palestine. "I am always impressed with the strength and Islam give something," he said.

Kristane Backer, 43, is a former MTV presenter in London. Since young, his choice is to become a free woman, Western lifestyle, modern, and liberal. However, why not choose Islam?

Introduction to Islam began when he met with former Pakistani criket player, Muslims Imran Khan, in 1992, when the sky-rocketing career, then he took her to Pakistan. From here he began to touch the spiritual values that never dikenyam and impressed with the warmth of the community.

Kristiane said, "Since then I started studying Islam and converted. Natural reason. I have interviews with rock stars, to travel around the world and yet I feel empty. Now, all has passed. I enjoy happiness because Islam has give my life purpose. "

"In the West, we live with shallow reasons as a matter of clothes. In Islam, everyone seems to have a noble purpose. Every thing done in the name of God.

"I grew up in Germany in a Protestant family who are not religious. I was drunk and like to party. Now I have a purpose in life is good. We are responsible for all actions."

Lyne Ali, 31 years old. Women from Dagenham, Essex, was first in contact with Islam through a Muslim friend. He admitted this during a typical woman who likes to party.

"I like to get drunk with friends, dressed in tight clothing, take off clothes, and a date with a man," said Lyne. "I also work part time as a DJ. I used to pray like a Christian, but I use God as a temporary doctor."

But when he met with his friend, Zahid, at university or sometimes in a dramatic atmosphere. Then, "His sister talks about Islam, and it is pervasive in into my soul. I think I need to find something and I feel I'm drunk and partying habits of no use."

Lynne converted at the age of 19 years. "Right then I wear the hijab," he explained. Now, "I never again show my hair in public. At home, I will wear western clothes just for the husband, but that never came out."

Camilla Leyland, 32 years old. This yoga teacher living in Cornwall to choose Islam as a new religion. The mother of an only child, Inaya, embraced Islam in the midst of discussions about "feminism" in the West.

Growing up in Southampton, his father a director of the Institute of Education Shoutampton and economics teacher mother. Camilla interested in Islam since in school.

He continued his education at the university and took a master's degree field of Middle East Studies. Further work in Syria. Getting to know Islam through friends
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