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The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit!

I just got an email from Mike over at AIM Comics, asking me to promote a contest he's running and the upcoming release of Ian McDonald's Bruno the Bandit magazine...now normally I don't do this sort of thing (um...well, usually I do), and in this case, for good reason!

You may remember Ian's Conan/Garfield crossover comics which appeared on Crom! last year (here)...again, many thanks to Ian for that!

Here's Ian's cover, which didn't appear in that original post

Well it's payback time, and seeing that the Bruno comics include a character by the name of Clonin the Barbarian, and the first issue will include cover art by a "classic" Conan artist,  promoting this mag seems like a no-brainer. 

Details below!

AIM Comics Presents The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit!

Read on for your chance to win a free advance copy of a new collection of comics!

Leaping off the pages of his long running webcomic, Ian McDonald’s “Bruno the Bandit” will soon be coming at you in his new magazine, “The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit” from AIM Comics.

Ian McDonald began “Bruno the Bandit” over ten years ago as a parody of the sword & sorcery genre. It has since evolved into a complex, but no less funny, world of its own. Set in the fictional kingdom of Rothland, in a world that’s a curious mixture of genre trappings and modern conveniences, the comic features the titular Bruno with his micro-dragon sidekick Fiona, as well as a host of fascinating characters such as Clonin the Barbarian, Eunyce, Warrior Hottie, and the Passive Aggressive Pirates.

All in all they send up the issues of the day as often as they do the cliches of the genre, all the while furthering their own plans for fame, fortune, power and a good night out at the Belching Hydra. Described by longtime Conan author Roy Thomas as “A delightful satirical strip,” it’s a must-read for sword & sorcery fans and fans of good comics in any genre.

AIM Comics, with Ian McDonald, will shortly be presenting the earliest adventures of Bruno and company in a magazine sized format as “The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit”. The first issue will contain some classic Bruno stories, as well as new material from a who’s who of webcomics, all wrapped up in a new cover by a classic Conan artist.

“Brutal Blade” will soon be available in print-on-demand and digital editions from multiple sources. While you’re waiting, you can have a chance to win an advance pdf copy of the first issue. To qualify, just visit our website at http://www.aimcomics.com/ and identify our cover artist from the sample given.  Email your guess to info@aimcomics.com before 31 October and you could have the first look at the newest incarnation of Bruno the Bandit!


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