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More Conan Comics from Australia!

Thanks to Daniel Best (here and blog) and AusReprints.com (here) we have a fairly thorough examination of the Conan comics history in Australia (as in Marvel reprints).  I’m going to summarize things here (well more of a cover gallery than anything), follow the links above for the real goods!

Australian publisher KG Murray Publishing Company and one of it's proprieters, Sport Magazine Pty Ltd (apparently along with Kenmure Press Pty Ltd) seem to be the ones responsible for the first couple of appearances of Conan in comic book format.  Published in late 1971, Climax Adventure Comic #10 contained, among other things, the Thomas/BWS tale “Beware the Wrath of Anu” from CTB#10, and then in Nov, 1972, Conan made his first cover appearance on Climax Adventure Comic #11, which this time featured the REH adaptation of “The God in the Bowl”, the Thomas/BWS offering “The Lurker Within”!

Conan next appeared in the initial fifteen issue run of Savage Tales plus a Savage Tales Annual (again courtesy of Kenmure and K.G. Murray) between 1972 and 1978. The content was primary CTB and Savage Tales reprints. I’m not going to go into any more detail, but here’s a slideshow of all 16 covers, in no particular order!

In 1975-76, Newton Comics Pty. Ltd took a shot at CTB and Savage Sword reprints, with a dozen such comics…Reis was kind enough to post all but one of these on CROM! already (here)... below is the cover of the missing first issue…

Newton’s license was then scooped up by Page Publications, and via it’s subsidiary Yaffa delivered a mixed bag of Marvel reprints between 1977 and 1981, including the two one shots below, along with eleven issues of Conan the Barbarian and four issues of Savage Sword of Conan.

Another slideshow below the one-shots, featuring all of the Page-Yaffa covers that I could find...

The last Conan comic run came courtesy of the Federal Publishing Company Pty Ltd in 1984-85 with nine (or possibly more) issues featuring CTB reprints.  Here's four such issues, aong with Federal's reprint of the Marvel movie adaptation of Conan The Destroyer...

That’s it, that’s all! I leave you with some Conan comic ads from the land down under!


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