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Konan, El Luchador Callejero!

It turns out that there’s more than one Conan in Mexican comics! Step aside blond Conan because Belit’s in need of a new sidekick, and Carlos a.k.a. Konan the Barbarian just might be the perfect fit!

Published in Mexico in by Editorial Ejea in 1991, it’s Konan El Luchador Callejero!  Here’s his bio, loosely translated:

"During his childhood, the Cuban fighter Carlos Santiago Espada, better known as Konan the Barbarian, lived in distress. His mother was killed by a soldier that, after wounded by the young Carlos, ordered the death of Carlos’ father leaving the child and his two siblings orphaned. They were forced them to flee the island and after several tragedies that brought them to Florida, they tried to make their lives better than what it would have been had they stayed in thier native Cuba."

That's the cover above, and a small translated sample of young Konan in action below!


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