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Not Quite Conan - Web Comics Edition!

If you’re in the mood for a little Conan inspired mirth and mayhem, do yourself a favor and check out these web comics, yours for the reaving!

First up, it’s Legend of Bill, the creation of the very talented David Reddick!  I first heard about Legend of Bill from David himself back in February, and promptly read it from start to finish.  I must say that it was time well spent, my mirth is gigantic!

It took me waaaaay too long to post about LoB, even after David assured me that "Crom will reward you with barwenches at every tavern! But Crom doth not promise that they will be PRETTY barwenches!".  I hope that still stands!

Anyway, Legend of Bill got started way back in May of '08 with updates every Monday and Thursday, and is still going strong. So make your way over to http://www.legendofbill.com/ for the latest episode, or better yet, start at the beginning HERE...great stuff David!

Coincidentally, another web comic with a Conan influence also got off the ground in May '08 and is still kicking...from Katie Rice and Luke Cormican, it’s Skadi!

Skadi is a Red Sonja type (so more Roy Thomas inspired, I suppose), and I must admit, it took me a while before I took a liking to the artwork, but now I’m completely and utterly hooked. This comic is hilarious!

Get your Skadi on at http://www.dummcomics.com/, and click on the Thursday tab for the latest page,or start from the start by clicking... right... HERE! The current episode is a very cool Frazetta tribute btw (here)!

Honorable mention goes out to Andy from Arlington, VA, and his Barbarian Diary…it’s unfortunate that this one was shortlived, because it’s pretty damn funny!

Check out the entire run on one page, HERE!


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