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'Iron Man 2' was GREAT! —
I normally don't like movies, especially comic book movies*, and most especially comic book movie SEQUELS. But this was a good movie! I'd read some lukewarm reviews and my friends told me it was badly written, and that's exactly what I expected, so I wasn't enthusiastic about seeing it. IM1 was great, and when they make a good movie, they pretty much always ruin the sequel, right? Not this time! This was a really good movie!

I thought it was quite well-written, too! What's everybody talking about?? The interaction between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts was tremendous! And the way Favreau (the director / Happy Hogan) had the conversations banging away a mile-a-minute, lines falling on top of one another, multiple conversations happening at once... I found it thrilling! Like live theater!

I don't know why people thought the plot was thin, either. The history of Iron Man / Tony Stark is all about his struggle to control his technology AND his addictions. Both of these movies have covered the subject well. What's the problem??

I liked it!

* Let me explain. I grew up reading comics, so I care about them. I would LOVE it if comic book movies were good, but they almost never are. That's why I don't like them. I'd LIKE to like them, but I can't.



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