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Natalie Portman... A Middle Eastern dream.

Natalie Portman ... A Middle Eastern dream.
Natalie Portman no 1 Once upon a time a set of the most beautiful eyes flourished on the safe environment of a young lady's face dazzling minds and offering everybody the right to admire such a creation.

Some one swore that the eyes were deep brown, others were sure they saw an olive green sparkle in them and large numbers of people never ceased to believe that they were golden brown burning eyes; they were all right in a way but they missed a small detail; That those eyes were so unnatural they could use light for their own benefit. sometimes when they are sad, they are in no mood for brightness and turn a deep brown door in front of all intruders. Other occasions they are optimistic and almost green like the color of good nature and when playful, they always burnt in golden glow.

Just like the four seasons, her eyes changed with her mood. She didn't think so much about it when she looked in the mirror cause for her; beauty was just a nature and nothing new and the poor girl walked in the streets smiling, playing and crying normally not even noticing the hundreds of thousands of hearts breaking beneath her bare feet while her admirers grew in numbers, some are into her for her hair, others for the lips and of course her eyes claimed their share of disparate lovers.

There was absolutely no way for anyone to resist, her essence would fill the room swaying everybody over their feet stealing their free will until they couldn't bare the torture of being in the presence of an angel no more without reaching out to touch her but in fear that she might disappear they all refrained from drinking the water that would save them.

but unfortunately, just like the sun she has to leave sometimes and they would feel the most unendurable feeling of emptiness, so they wonder in the streets asking about the lost angel

and to all of them the answer was: Natalie Portman, the beauty of both the east and the west incorporated.

This video is a tribute to the wonderful Israeli/ American star Natalie Portman. The music I used is modernization of an old Egyptian song called "Konna Henna" or "We were here" originally composed by Egypt's most celebrated composer "Mohamed Abdel Wahab" nicknamed "Composer of all generations" ... modern instrumentation was done by the great composer " Omar Khairat" and I felt it is the best choice for the video for a couple of reasons; It reflects part of my culture also a part of the middle east the place the breath taking star call home and also because the music is so soft, gay and chagrined in the same time and Natalie is a mix of all of these emotions as you can see in the pictures


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