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Geek Orthodox!

If you haven’t yet heard the news, an undeniably entertaining and invaluable piece of the blogosphere died the other day. Yup, my co-blogger brother from another country, Reis, has thrown in the towel over on my second favorite blog ever, Geek Orthodox.

I’d be the first to admit that a lot of the material that Reis covered on G.O. wasn’t really my cup of tea, but Reis has this uncanny ability of making anything he talks about interesting, much like he’s done with every single post of his here on CROM!

He does such a bang-up job that he was my inspiration to start blogging, and try as I my might to capture a little “piece of Reis” in my posts, more often than not I fall short...far short!

Well I just can’t stand by and let CROM! be the next on your “not-to-do” list! What’s it going to take bro? How about some Conan cupcakes?

Hmmm. Maybe not. If you’re anything like me (no sweet tooth), I’d suspect you’ll want to replace those horns with giant cashews, wrap them cupcakes up in bacon, and deep-fry 'em!

Ok, EVERYBODY loves bacon! How about THIS!

Sure, you probably like your bacon crispy, but I bet you’ll make an exception when it’s served up on those butterbags!  You can even call her Red Sow-ja if you like!

OK, that’s all I've got Reis. Maybe if you knocked up one of the women in the village, you’ll feel obligated to stay…


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