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Live Streaming has been Successful! —
I started up live streaming again a couple of weeks ago, and this week I've streamed almost every night. It's been fun and successful. I've developed a stable of regulars who seem to come for the music as much as the art. Last night, the room was full to capacity and stayed that way for the whole 3 hours! I certainly didn't expect that!

I've been using a new service called WatchTail that's easy and works great, and I very much want to support them... but the viewer limit is 14. I can certainly understand that a small new service would need a limit like that, but I'll have to try LiveStream again to see if I can get more people in. (I got banned from U-Stream a few days ago. Heh.)

UPDATE: Ah, I remember now why I stopped using LiveStream! The viewers see incessant video ads that cover the whole screen! Tonight there were never more than 8 or 9 viewers because they couldn't stand it! So even limited to 14 viewers, WatchTail will be better. See you there next time!



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