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Flesh and Blood!

I kicked back and watched Conan the Destroyer (1984) and Red Sonja (1985) again last week (back-to-back no less). Destroyer had a few memorable moments, probably the highlight for me being the silly expressions on Grace Jones’ face…but let me just say that I still have nothing good to say about Red Sonja.

Anyway, this led me to the comments section over at IMDB, to see if anyone actually saw any redeeming qualities in this movie, and I was quickly sidetracked when I came across this comment:

“…the best thing about this is the score by Ennio Morricone. Ironically, Basil Poledouris WAS to score it at first, as someone mentioned that composer, but he went on to use some of the music he composed for SONJA for FLESH AND BLOOD w/Rutger Hauer.”

Could this be true?  I was unaware of Basil's potential involvement in Red Sonja, and of this movie FLESH AND BLOOD.  I need information. Information!!!  Turned out that this YouTube video proved to be a very nice introduction to both!

The music was indeed incredible! The footage didn’t overly impress me, but as it turns out, also didn’t have much in the way of spoilers, and strategically avoided much of the gratuitous violence and nudity. Just to be clear, when I say “gratuitous violence and nudity”...well I’m a pretty big fan of B horror movies so that’s a good thing!

After reading some reviews about Flesh+Blood (for example this one, which sums things up quite nicely, and this one, which really peaked my interest with respect to the soundtrack and it’s relationship to the Conan the Barbarian soundtrack), I simply had to know more...as should you!

Watch Flesh+Blood courtesy of Stagevu (HERE)!

Give the Flesh+Blood soundtrack a listen to courtesy of “Le Blog De Chief Dundee” (HERE)!
(look in the comments section below)

Damn! For a Sword & Sandal-esque flick from the ‘80’s, this movie is bloody awesome! Unfortunately, unlike Conan the Barbarian there’s simply too much other stuff going on for us to get a real taste of this magnificent soundtrack!


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