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Commission Guidelines —
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I don't often need to deny a request, but just in case somebody has a question, your answer is here. I'll draw just about anything involving sex, with only a few exceptions. Most of them are obvious, I think. Some of my art in the past has pushed these boundaries, even outright violated them, but those cases were often the reason for the rule.

The Short Version: I won't do gore, scat, pee, children, necro, bestiality or rape.

The Long Version: For those of you who won't be happy with the short version...
  • GORE - This means any kind of blood or injury. For me, it includes over-stretching and viewing of internal organs. Pregnancy is out, too.
  • SCAT and PEE - If you don't know what this means... (eye roll). Urethra sex is off-limits, as well. This includes 'corking.'
  • CHILDREN - Self-explanatory, really. Any character that is pre-pubescent is unacceptable. Of course, there are always cases where this status is debatable. And then there are long-established cartoon characters that are neither/nor. I'll take it case-by-case. Again, pregnancy is out.
  • NECRO - Dead bodies. This includes zombies. Sorry. (Non-sexual situations are a different story, but sex is what you're here for, right?)
  • BESTIALITY - This is a tough one. I draw furries and fantasy characters all the time. What I WON'T do is "realistic" animals with "realistic" people. If you'll take a look at my existing work, you'll see that I only draw human genitalia on my furries. I won't do "dog knots" or other non-human cocks. Again, I'll take this case-by-case.
  • RAPE - This refers to any non-consensual sex. It does NOT include intense sexual activities like bondage, domination, submission and other kinds of play. "Play rape" is out, though. The word "rape" does not mean "play." Ever. That's the key realization I've come to. Believe me, I am well aware of how restrictive this could be in my field. Work with me on it, and we'll find a solution.
  • I am Off-Limits - Didn't think I'd have to write this one. Guess I should have known. Don't ask for pictures of me, and don't ask for DRAWINGS of me. Don't ask for personal details, either.
  • Never ask me WHY - I don't owe you an explanation. When I say NO, that's the end of it.
Corrections / Re-Draws - I generally won't make changes to a drawing that's already finished. Unless I missed something important or did something just plain wrong, I won't go back to a drawing once I consider it done. I have too much to do, and I need to move on to the next drawing. SPEED is one of my trademarks. When I start a drawing, I usually complete it in a single sitting. Stopping to get approval on sketches can stretch the process out for days. Asking me to move a finger or change a shadow won't meet with my approval.

Waiting List - You get on the list when you pay in full. Since October of 2010, my waiting list has become quite long. It didn't used to be that way, but I've been much in demand. It can take up to 2 months (8 weeks) for me to get to your drawing. I've cut way back on my intake for 2011, and hopefully I'll start to narrow the list, but I can't stop selling, so it will just have to be that way.

To reserve your commission, CONTACT ME!



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