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A story I missed! —

In April, Christina Hendricks was voted "America's Best-Looking Woman" by WOMEN!!! In a poll conducted by Esquire, she beat out Jessica Alba AND Megan Fox! By just a WHOLE LOT!

This is awesome! Hee-hee!

Oh, and here's another Esquire story from 2009.


Red Summer - Beach Fashion

Red Summer - Beach Fashion
Hii girls, cek my First Polyvore Set 
a New Beach Wear Ideas from me
ooohh i'm so in love with Red :)
Please Fave This Set too...
by login to www.polyvore.com
Klik "LIKE THIS" and Leave a Comment :) 

... Thank You ...


Conan Movie Porno Pic!

Oh, did I type porno? I meant “Promo”. Thought I’d try out a sensational headline like Yahoo News to try and generate a few extra hits around here...look who's trending now!

I know I'm a little late posting this, but if you still hadn't seen it...enjoy!

Conan Digital Art on CGHub!

There's a plethora of impressive Conan digital artwork over on CGHub, from artists around the world! Here's some of my personal favorites...

Click on the artists names to go directly to their respective galleries if you'd like to learn a little more about them, see full size images, and find out what else these talented guys and gal(s) have up their sleeves!

I'm not a Katy Perry fan...
but this is a hot photo.

Just hot!



I remember
The dark woods, masking slopes of sombre hills;
Hills alive, with the sound...
...of music!

My apologies to REH for the liberties taken with his poem "Cimmeria", and thanks to CROM! reader Robert H. for sending the link our way!

More Rodney Buchemi!

I see that Brazilian artist Rodney Buchemi has stopped by for a visit...hello Rodney!  I've posted some his pin-ups and sequential artwork previously on Crom! (right here), and I see that he's got some newer stuff on display over on his blog, including this Conan/Belit/Lion piece...love it!

Pay Rodney a visit here (http://rodneybuchemi.blogspot.com/), and check out some of his other fantastic work!

Miranda Kerr Sizzling Hot Lingerie Pictures

Miranda Kerr Sizzling Hot Lingerie Pictures

Miranda Kerr Sizzling Hot Lingerie Pictures

Miranda Kerr Sizzling Hot Lingerie Pictures

Miranda Kerr Sizzling Hot Lingerie Pictures

Miranda Kerr Sizzling Hot Lingerie Pictures

Miranda Kerr Sizzling Hot Lingerie Pictures

Miranda Kerr Sizzling Hot Lingerie Pictures

Miranda Kerr Sizzling Hot Lingerie Pictures

Betty, Veronica and Cheryl —
Remember that post I made last week about B&V?? One of my visitors saw it and wondered what the rest of that evening would look like. He ordered the following:

One of my best! I looooooved doing it!


Spartacus: Blood and Sand Follow up!

After being CSI’d and reality tv’d out the friggin' ying-yang, Spartacus: Blood and Sand is truly a breath of fresh air, and quite possibly the best thing on TV. CGI blood aside, this show is oh so right on so many levels.

If you haven’t been watching it, drop everything you’re doing and go hunt it down.... now.... seriously. No, seriously.

Dark Horse Motion Comic!

A motion comic proof of concept based on Conan the Cimmerian #15...very cool! Thanks to Terry Allen over at The Robert E. Howard Comics Group for pointing this out!

Waitress —
I watched a strange little movie last night called Waitress, from 2007, starring Keri Russell. Not at all the sort of thing I'd normally watch. I don't remember why I picked it up, honestly. I'm glad I did, though. It's one of those quirky little independent comedy/dramas that seem to come out of thin air and somehow be REALLY good. There were parts of the movie where I was seriously ready to turn it off, but there were also parts where I was laughing out loud really hard.

One of the major plot-lines involved a situation/outcome that I would usually interpret as intolerably "Christian pro-life," but in this film it didn't strike me that way. I don't know why, really. Maybe the rest of the film was just too good.

The thing that floored me most was when Andy Griffith appeared suddenly as the cantankerous old restaurant owner. If he was in the opening credits, I totally missed it, so it was a complete surprise for me. I love it when that happens. And he was funny all the way through the film.

In case you need some incentive to bother with it, that guy from Firefly is also in the movie. What's his name? Nathan Fillion, yeah.

And you should read the WikiPedia about the writer/director, too.


Katy Perry

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