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Queen Of The Black Coast!

From Finland's Petri Hiltunen (that's Petri there on the left btw) and the one and only Robert E. Howard, comes this comic, a ginormous 46 page English translation of Howard's tale, Queen Of The Black Coast!!!

I first learned of its existence while gathering as much information as I possibly could about Sword, the most excellent brainchild of Spanish REH scholar, author, and all around nice guy, Carlos Yáñez.

According to another famous Spanish REH scholar, Manuel Barrero, this is in fact an adaptation by the great Carlos Yáñez! (which makes sense, because it arrived on my doorstep in Spanish, not Finnish).

So an equally massive thank you goes out to Petri and to Carlos, for bringing us this superb addition to REH fandom!

On a completely unrelated note, a happy hockey day in Canada to my fellow Canucks...it's been an extra special one for me, having the Olympic torch pass right by my house this morning!

Download via Megaupload or Rapidshare, or may Crom send you dooms!


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