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Giving Thanks...

With a new year upon us, it seems like a really good time to reflect on 2009, to give thanks to those who’ve played a part in making it a successful year, and to discuss what’s in the works for 2010.

First off, you may have noticed that once again I haven’t been around here much of late. I think that some CROM! Readers may have had concerns that I was losing interest in the blog, or just plain ran out of things to say, since I received more emails in the last week than I have during my entire stint here on CROM!...well, let me say that I appreciate the emails, and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon (that is, until Reis knocks me out with the blunt side of his broadsword and leaves me for dead on the tree of woe)…until then I’m still here, waiting patiently for the next unsuspecting CROM! reader to come wandering by …

Let me also take this opportunity to explain that I’m not what one would call a “chatty cathy”, so if you don’t hear back from me, or see me around much in the comments section, please know that I read everything and it’s much appreciated, but sometimes I just don’t feel like talking dammit! So a big thanks To CROM! readers and contributers everywhere, without all of you I’d just be talking to myself, and that’s the kind of thing that earns people a rubber room and a straightjacket.

Truth is, I’ve been really busy with family and friends over the last week, and with the year wrapping up, I decided to perform a backup of this blog. It was quite possibly the most comprehensive backup of a blog that has ever been done, but CROM! is just so bloody awesome (thanks to Reis that is, I’m not blowing my own horn here), that it really deserved the royal treatment. So if you’re a fellow blogger with an interest in backing up your own stuff, but aren’t really sure how best to approach it, feel free to email me and I’ll provide you with all the gory details regarding my backup/restore procedure.

My biggest thanks of 2009 goes to my co-blogger Reis…whose da man?  you'se da man!

Thanks Reis, for sharing your Crom-tastic Conan blog with the world…believe me, I’ve been through the entire thing from start to finish at least three times now, and it kicks oh so much ass. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to participate around here, for giving up creative control, for sharing your administrative rights, for the friendly but brutally honest advice i.e. when my posts are getting off-topic, or are just plain crap. Considering the fact that we don’t really know each other, I’m sure you’ve had your reservations about cutting me loose on CROM!, so you deserve the most humongous thanks that I’ve got!

So, what can you expect from me in 2010? More of the same stuff (well hopefully more of the good stuff, and fewer posts that make you want to burn your eyes out and impale yourself on a sword). I’ve got a couple of Conan comic translations on the go right now, am researching a couple of Conan loving countries that I haven’t yet posted about, hell, my “working” folder is a whopping 5 GB/1600+ files large, because there is no shortage of worthy Conan (and related) stuff out there that needs to be on CROM!

Whew! For a man of few words, I far exceeded my quota. So no need to say it, I am shutting the hell up now!


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