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Loren Lorente!

Well, I'm putting the savage ink finale on hold for a day, to bring you this Conan greatness!  The deal is that I was following an unrelated lead the other day, and was delightfully surprised to come across the blog of Loren Lorente! Loren is based in Cartagena, Spain, and describes himself as a freelance cartoonist and illustrator.

My first introduction to his Conan artwork was this wraparound cover of the Spanish magazine Sword (2nd era, 2nd issue, 1997)...

Well I see that Loren has the original pencils for this cover posted on his blog...he describes it as a "quick sketch"...ha!

You'll also find this model sheet for Kranko the Brute, an adult oriented Conan parody that Loren has apparently created several stories about, and that he describes as a mix between "Groo and a bulldozer"...

And then there's this little gem, a character named Sage created by Loren and his brother Grego, which Loren describes as "a kind of hispanic Conan in a remote Spain"...man oh man, this stuff leaves me wanting more, more, more!

Check out THIS Cerebus...Love that rage!  Awesome pic Loren!

He’s also posted the short (but complete) Spanish Conan comic “Cazadores”, with a script by his brother Grego Lorente, which I promptly translated into English for CROM! readers to enjoy!

(click on images to enlarge)

American freelance colorist Tim Tilley is working his magic on this comic, but there are only a couple of samples on Loren's blog, so I'm not sure how that's progressing...

In addition you'll find a several other of Loren's Conan and related illustrations. Some samples below...nice!

Loren's sharing a whole lot of awesomeness with the world, and I would encourage you to check it ALL out HERE!


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