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We've Got Stones!

Milestones that is.  Yes, I'm blowing my own horn (of Azoth).  Hell, I'm more than willing to pass the horn around so you can all have a blow,  and no, that's not oral herpes I've got, but simply blistering from the scorching sun as I made my way home from the desert city of Shem.

We have indeed reached some significant milestones around here of late, and it's high time we celebrated with a flagon of ale, a buxom wench or two, and our very first CONTEST on CROM!  (well, our second, but the winner is getting real stuff this time!).  Details will come tomorrow so be sure and check back then...today we're talking milestones:

+100 followers (114 and counting...by the swollen breasts of Ishtar!)

+ 100 countries  (since the flag counter was added 4 months ago, visitors have come from a whopping 116 countries!  Hyborians of the world unite!)

+ 100,000 total pageviews (Crom count the carpal tunnel sufferers!)

On top of all of that, we've had a record breaking number of pageviews this month!

That said:

A GINORMOUS shout out to CROM! readers around the world! 

Remember, check back tomorrow for all the gory CONTEST details!


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