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Rodarte design Costumes For ballet Black Swan

One of the most exciting cinematic collaborations that we've heard so far this year, Darren Aronofsky has commissioned Rodarte designed sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy create costumes for his psychological thriller about ballet Black Swan, starring Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis.

Their lastest collection looked a touch like unfocused decoupage and may not have been our favourite work by the Mulleavy girls, but it's entirely conceivable that, as costume designers, they will create some pretty frothy and fabulous looking ballerina garb.

Plus, Natalie Portman is one of the Mulleavy's BFFs and is a regular wearer of Rodarte, so they'll already have her measurements on hand.

But back to the movie for a moment, the premise has Nina (Portman) and Lilly (Kunis) as rival dancers in a New York City ballet company, and when Nina wins the lead role in Swan Lake things start going bad. Rumour has it, the two girls get it on at one point in the movie - which would be amazing.

And if that isn't amazing enough, Winona Ryder is also in the movie playing a supporting role. This will probably be the greatest movie of all time.


Natalie Portman, Jake Gyllenhaal & Toby Maguire

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