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The Link!

Here's the first in a number of upcoming English translations (although I'm not done with Brazil quite yet), from the premiere issue of El Reino Salvaje de Conan (The Savage Kingdom of Conan)! 

Along with it's regular Marvel King Conan reprints, this series also featured a number of shorter Conan comics by Spanish artists.  The cover art for El Reino #1 is that of the talented Jesús Merino, and was colored by Jaime Martin.  The back cover is the creation of the equally talented Jesús Sáiz, with colors by Fernando Blanco.

The story itself, “El Vínculo”, features a script by David Navarrot and Toni Fejzula , with Toni (who is actually Serbian btw, but lives in Spain) also responsible for the cool drawings. You can see a bit more of Toni’s artwork on his blog (point and click here!).

It's Conan unleashing his Cimmerian rage in The Link!

(click images to enlarge)


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