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CROM! Contest Announcement!

Here’s the deal. It’s time to freshen things up on CROM! starting at the top, which means…a brand spanking new blog header! What’s a blog header you ask? Simply put, it's a picture.  Here’s what our header looks like now (and it’s a damn fine one, I must say)…

I don’t know if our current header was created by the mighty Reis, is government issue, or perhaps two other blog headers got together and nine months later, poof! Regardless, it’s time for something new, and this is where you come in…yes, YOU!

OK, that’s probably not you, I've just been looking for an excuse to post that pic! Damn you Cromsblood, quit stalling. What the hell can I win? Well our ONE big winner will receive

These five issues of Conan Saga (#31 through #35), from the late 80’s/early 90’s…

But wait, there’s more! I’m also including these five issues of The Savage Sword of Conan (#167 through #171), also printed in and around 1990!

Hell, I’m feeling a little giddy, so I’m also throwing this in…

Yup, it’s the Marvel Graphic Novel, “Conan The Barbarian, The Horn of Azoth”, 1990 First Printing!

Count 'em, a total of eleven Conan comics in all!  And just so you know, all of these mags are in really good condition, but they’re not mint. Now…it’s a contest, and like any good contest, there has got to be some rules…


1. The new header must be a picture 600 pixels wide and 125 pixels high, and must have the words “CROM The Ultimate Conan Fan Blog" somewhere on it.

2. Limit of one entry per person, sent to me at cromsblood@rocketmail.com. Please put “CROM CONTEST” in the subject line.  If you have a blog/website of your own, include that in the email too!

3. Submissions must be received before midnight on Friday, April 23, at which time we will select some finalists, post them on CROM!, and readers will vote to determine our prize winner!

Cool? I will, of course, need the mailing address of the winner at some point, but I can always email you and get that information after the fact. The contest starts today, so please join in, and win yourself some Conan swag!

Barbie (used) --
This is a commission from last week. A new subject matter for me! And just too, too funny!


We've Got Stones!

Milestones that is.  Yes, I'm blowing my own horn (of Azoth).  Hell, I'm more than willing to pass the horn around so you can all have a blow,  and no, that's not oral herpes I've got, but simply blistering from the scorching sun as I made my way home from the desert city of Shem.

We have indeed reached some significant milestones around here of late, and it's high time we celebrated with a flagon of ale, a buxom wench or two, and our very first CONTEST on CROM!  (well, our second, but the winner is getting real stuff this time!).  Details will come tomorrow so be sure and check back then...today we're talking milestones:

+100 followers (114 and counting...by the swollen breasts of Ishtar!)

+ 100 countries  (since the flag counter was added 4 months ago, visitors have come from a whopping 116 countries!  Hyborians of the world unite!)

+ 100,000 total pageviews (Crom count the carpal tunnel sufferers!)

On top of all of that, we've had a record breaking number of pageviews this month!

That said:

A GINORMOUS shout out to CROM! readers around the world! 

Remember, check back tomorrow for all the gory CONTEST details!

Renungan Indah - W.S. Rendra

Seringkali aku berkata,
Ketika semua orang memuji milikku

Bahwa sesungguhnya ini hanyalah titipan
Bahwa mobilku hanyalah titipan-Nya
Bahwa rumahku hanyalah titipan-Nya
Bahwa hartaku hanyalah titipan-Nya
Bahwa putraku hanyalah titipan-Nya

Tetapi, mengapa aku tak pernah bertanya:
Mengapa Dia menitipkan padaku ?
Untuk apa Dia menitipkan ini padaku ?
Dan kalau bukan milikku, apa yang harus kulakukan untuk milik-Nya itu ?
Adakah aku memiliki hak atas sesuatu yang bukan milikku ?

Mengapa hatiku justru terasa berat, ketika titipan itu diminta kembali oleh-Nya ?
Ketika diminta kembali, kusebut itu sebagai musibah Kusebut itu sebagai ujian, kusebut itu sebagai petaka Kusebut itu sebagai panggilan apa saja untuk melukiskan kalau itu adalah derita Ketika aku berdoa, kuminta titipan yang cocok dengan hawa nafsuku

Aku ingin lebih banyak harta,
ingin lebih banyak mobil,
lebih banyak popularitas, dan
kutolak sakit,
kutolak kemiskinan,
seolah semua "derita" adalah hukuman bagiku

Seolah keadilan dan kasih-Nya harus berjalan seperti matematika:
Aku rajin beribadah, maka selayaknyalah derita menjauh dariku, dan nikmat dunia kerap menghampiriku.

Kuperlakukan Dia seolah mitra dagang, dan bukan kekasih Kuminta Dia membalas "perlakuan baikku", Dan menolak keputusan-Nya yang tak sesuai keinginanku

Padahal tiap hari kuucapkan, hidup dan matiku hanya untuk beribadah.
"Ketika langit dan bumi bersatu, bencana dan keberuntungan sama saja"

(Puisi terakhir W.S Rendra yang dituliskannya diatas ranjang RS)

Conan the Barbarian Destroyer!

Reis wasn't kidding when he says that Conan the Destroyer killed a potentially great movie franchise.  Few even remember the third and final movie in the trilogy, Conan the Barbarian Destroyer, released exclusively on Betamax back in 1992.  Here's the trailer for those of you who need their memory jogged...

My First Award - The Most Friendly Blogger

Alhamdullilah di akhir bulan Maret ini saya mendapatkan sebuah award cantik buatan Rinda's Blog, dari seorang sahabat maya saya SEBUAH CATATAN, ini Award pertama saya lho... and proud of it :D
Sebagai tradisi award, saya lanjutkan ke beberapa sahabat blogger saya :) Haaaappp tangkep yaahhh guysss ;)

...and the award goes to...
1. SEBUAH CATATAN (kulemparkan kembali award ini ke orang yg telah memberikan award pertamaku...hehehe)
2. Mba Nensa Cantik (Smart & Happy Mom)

...lucky number 7...
hmmm ga harus 10 kan??? coz 7 orang2 ini adalah bener2 blogger yg familiar berseliweran di blog ku hehehe... ditunggu komen2nya yah di posting2an aku :D

and so sorry kalo kadang saya ga bisa absen tiap hari ke blog kalian karena saya juga seorang pekerja kantoran yg masih nyuri2 waktu kalo mau ber blog walking ria :D
Semoga dengan award ini bisa menambah erat tali persahabatan kita :)

Conan the Destroyer Article from Star Blazer Magazine!

I came across this old article hyping the release of the abysmal crap-fest, Conan the Destroyer. They do their best to really talk it up and I admit it's a charming look into the pop-culture past of our favorite barbarian. It's followed by a brief two-page interview with the director (i.e. - the man who single-handedly killed the Conan movie franchise) and then capped off by an almost hilarious contest page in which fans were invited to write in why the loved Conan the Destroyer. My answer would have been brief, and probably included an f-bomb or two. ;)














Rodarte design Costumes For ballet Black Swan

One of the most exciting cinematic collaborations that we've heard so far this year, Darren Aronofsky has commissioned Rodarte designed sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy create costumes for his psychological thriller about ballet Black Swan, starring Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis.

Their lastest collection looked a touch like unfocused decoupage and may not have been our favourite work by the Mulleavy girls, but it's entirely conceivable that, as costume designers, they will create some pretty frothy and fabulous looking ballerina garb.

Plus, Natalie Portman is one of the Mulleavy's BFFs and is a regular wearer of Rodarte, so they'll already have her measurements on hand.

But back to the movie for a moment, the premise has Nina (Portman) and Lilly (Kunis) as rival dancers in a New York City ballet company, and when Nina wins the lead role in Swan Lake things start going bad. Rumour has it, the two girls get it on at one point in the movie - which would be amazing.

And if that isn't amazing enough, Winona Ryder is also in the movie playing a supporting role. This will probably be the greatest movie of all time.


Natalie Portman, Jake Gyllenhaal & Toby Maguire

Renee takes a look at a terrific new film, "Brothers"

Ninja Tuna --
I just discovered this "sample music" included in  Windows 7! It's awesome! (I hate it when Microsoft does awesome stuff!)


Hot Desi Item Girl Rachna Maurya Has a Tight Fuckable Ass


From the pages of El Reino Salvaje de Conan #10 and #11, and featuring two more fantástico Saiz/Blanco covers along with another story by the team of Juan Carlos Cereza and Isaac M. Del Rivero, it’s the Conan tale Gremai! Isaac’s really outdone himself this time with even more enchanting artwork...case in point:

By the blue balls of CROM! Now bask in the further exploits of Conan…mercenary, reaver, nomad, thief, ladies man extraordinaire!

(click images to enlarge)

Fernando Torres

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