CROM! Contest Announcement!
Here’s the deal. It’s time to freshen things up on CROM! starting at the top, which means…a brand spanking new blog header! What’s a blog header you ask? Simply put, it's a picture. Here’s what our header looks like now (and it’s a damn fine one, I must say)…
I don’t know if our current header was created by the mighty Reis, is government issue, or perhaps two other blog headers got together and nine months later, poof! Regardless, it’s time for something new, and this is where you come in…yes, YOU!
OK, that’s probably not you, I've just been looking for an excuse to post that pic! Damn you Cromsblood, quit stalling. What the hell can I win? Well our ONE big winner will receive…
These five issues of Conan Saga (#31 through #35), from the late 80’s/early 90’s…

But wait, there’s more! I’m also including these five issues of The Savage Sword of Conan (#167 through #171), also printed in and around 1990!

Hell, I’m feeling a little giddy, so I’m also throwing this in…

Yup, it’s the Marvel Graphic Novel, “Conan The Barbarian, The Horn of Azoth”, 1990 First Printing!
Count 'em, a total of eleven Conan comics in all! And just so you know, all of these mags are in really good condition, but they’re not mint. Now…it’s a contest, and like any good contest, there has got to be some rules…
1. The new header must be a picture 600 pixels wide and 125 pixels high, and must have the words “CROM The Ultimate Conan Fan Blog" somewhere on it.
2. Limit of one entry per person, sent to me at Please put “CROM CONTEST” in the subject line. If you have a blog/website of your own, include that in the email too!
3. Submissions must be received before midnight on Friday, April 23, at which time we will select some finalists, post them on CROM!, and readers will vote to determine our prize winner!
Cool? I will, of course, need the mailing address of the winner at some point, but I can always email you and get that information after the fact. The contest starts today, so please join in, and win yourself some Conan swag!