It's Not Summer Without...
'The Running Of The Bulls' in Pamplona, Spain.
I love this event every year. How insanely reckless a tradition has grown men dressed like gay cruise directors to run from stampeding bulls - stampeding bulls with sharp horns that they know how to use.
I hate that they put bells on the bulls. Why is that necessary? Do you really want to hear that cowbell become louder and louder as the bull with your name on him gets closer and closer to you? Or is it better not to seem him coming till the second after the bull body slams you to a wall along the route. Then when you fall in the street, his buddies run over you over you REAL good.
Everyone of those runners should be having sex the night of their run and probably are. Being in such an event where you run screaming like a little girl releases all those locked in male pheromones designed to attract the ladies - and attract the ladies they do. Biologically it makes sense. A man who can run is a good catch. A man who can run faster than the stampede of bulls pursuing him is a better catch. These Spaniards are a simple people.
"STOP STEAMING UP MY TAIL! What are you trying to do? Wrinkle it?" - B.Bunny
And speaking of bulls.. I have chosen the only bull-related cartoon that you need to ever see except maybe 'Ferdinand the Bull' aka 'The Pot Smoking Bull'.
'Bully For Bugs' (19530!!) is a classic that so perfectly illustrates how best to use Bug's Bunny as a character. Give him a good adversary - in this case it's a bull who is fighting in the bullring and kicking the asses of every matador sent against him.
I enjoy how initially Bugs show a lot of restraint even as the bull is working his last nerve. It took him a long time (for him a long time) to finally decide to get back at this bull in the most entertaining way possible. No way would he ever be that patient with Elmer Fudd or Daffy Duck.
You gotta give the bull credit in this one. He gave as good as he got. His best moment however comes when his tiny bull brain realizes that he can shoot bullets out of his horns. The look on his face is brilliant.
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