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Who Would Have Thunk It?

Gordon Ramsey is an even bigger dick this cycle of 'Hell's Kitchen' than he has been previously. I wouldn't want it any other way. I am really waiting for all the posing of these cooking fauxlebrities to be done with so that the real backstabbing and mental breakdowns can begin.

The 'empty theatre' thing was kinda a dickish intro for a fame whore like Ramsey. I guess he doesn't get the concept of 'irony'.

Jason is 'this' close to a meltdown. It will be delicious to watch. (See what I did there?) Pork TACO?? And Chief LIKED IT! Insane. Then he got heat stroke. 'Hell's Kitchen' nearly kills a guy again.

The opening montage is lame. They have always been lame. What an ego on that Ramsey. Is there any chance some contestant will brain him with a frozen leg of lamb and fullfill every birthday wish I have made for the past five years?

I am in love with Amanda already. I refuse to make a 'cream sauce' joke at this moment. I hope y'all appreciate it. I don't need to work BLUE in order to entertain all you bitches.

Jonathon - canned pineapple? Why not just put your dick in a hot dog bun? (I saw it in a movie once). He didn't even think to CUT the pineapple. I half expected to see the canned shaped cranberry sauce like Mom lays out each Thanksgiving...CANADIAN Thanksgiving - in early October, the time when real humans feast on turkey.

I like the balcony above the kitchen for all those sadist who like to see suffering with their meal. For me watching dreams being crushed is more of a dessert event.

I like the food related insults...'dumpling', 'meatball'.

I wonder what the 'Hell's Kitchen' game is like? Does Ramsey berate you and try to make you cry the whole time? This seems like the worst possible game to get a kid for their birthday. Really builds the self esteem.


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