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More Adventures at FetishCon --

The convention hasn't actually started, but people are arriving! Had a long dinner with Diana Knight! Mallory Page found me and sat with us for a while. Kumi Monster and the Reverend B. Dangerous joined us. Christina Carter came by. I spoke with Orias Bastet, Isobel Wren, Michelle Peters, Alex Bettinger, Lorenzo Sperlonga, Lew Rubens, Andre (of Andre's Toon Damsels)... so many! And more are coming!

I got a laptop and a new Wacom tablet so I can draw while travelling, and it's a real struggle to adjust to the new controls and the poor quality of the laptop screen. Laptop monitors are bad for art. No way around it. This laptop can hardy keep up with my drawing speed. I'll just have to deal with it. Even so, I completed commission #201 last night! It was SLOOOOOW going! I tried to start #202 tonight, but got nowhere.

Those of you who follow me regularly know I've been struggling with back pain and stomach pain for weeks. It's never let up, so I found a walk-in clinic nearby and saw a doctor. I got a diagnosis, and it's a real condition, not my imagination. It's nothing life-threatening, but it's uncomfortable as hell. I won't say more about it. It's easily treated, though, so I'll be okay.

Meanwhile, there's a medical bill for $245 to deal with. I got off easy! But it still needs to be paid. There's a donation widget at right. Please add a few $$$ if you can!

More later! Follow my tweets!



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