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I was in the bookshop the other day looking for something new to read and this book caught my eye.

They say the best things in life are free, and this book is testament to that statement!

Based on the blog 1000awesomethings.com by Neil Pasricha, its a great book full of those little things that make your day that little bit better, makes your smile a little bit brighter and generally makes your day a hell of a lot better.
A couple of my favourites so far are:

  • Nailing a parallel park on the first try (mainly because this is a RARE occurance for me!).
  • Laughing so hard you make no sound at all. (love these moments).
  • Hearing a stranger fart in public (and the awkwardness that follows!)
  • High-fiving babies (because they rarely leave you hanging).
  • Sitting next to someone good-looking on a plane (can sure make a long trip go quickly!)
  • Sleeping in just-cleaned bedsheets (bliss!)

I totally recommend this book, its a light, easy read and everytime you turn the page to see the next awesome thing its bound to make you smile and think of times that you have experienced these things!
So what is your favourite little thing that always brightens your day?
Much love x


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