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Moving AGAIN —

I moved only 6 months ago, and it was a big move. Now, this week, I have to move again. In the weeks after FetishCon, I should have been relaxing and catching up on my backlog of commissions, but NO. My landlady is insane. I'm not going to write about what she did while I was away, but I can't stay here. It's going to be expensive. I can handle it, but I shouldn't have to.

By the end of this week, I'll have a new place arranged, but I'm going to spend all of next month in Tampa. Hopefully, being with my friends for a while will help. I'll actually make the move on October 1st.

The point is, it's important that I sell as many commissions as possible this week. And all next month, too! I will definitely be working the whole time, so keep them coming!



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