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Emmy's Fashions

The fashion at this years Emmy's seemed a bit.........blah. Everyone played it very safe and there seemed to be a lot of usually fashionable people missing ( Katherine Heigl, Blake Lively, Leighton Meester just to name a few). There were a couple of dresses that I did like though....and here they are :)

Julie Benz and Claire Danes.

Mariska Hargitay and Lea Michele.

Brooke Burke and Julie Bowen.
I think that all these ladies looked so classy and beautiful, but none of their dresses really blew me away.

One person who really pushed the envelope was January Jones in Atelier Versace. Now I don't think this dress hit the mark, I think that the train looks awkward and its missing a nice necklace. BUT I do love love loveeeeee the colour! Its amazing and suits her colouring perfectly. So although it was a bit of a miss, good on January for trying something a bit daring!

January Jones
And to finish off the post, a bit of man candy :)

Ryan Kwanten from True Blood.
You're Welcome ;)

What are your opinions on the Emmy's fashions??
Much love x


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