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Oh hello, didn't see you there!

So I have finally gone and made myself a blog!

I'm not sure what brought this on, as I've never really been into the whole blog thing, maybe its because of this whole creative streak I've been on lately? Usually I'm one who is quite happy to just chill out and do a whole lot of nothing after work and on the weekends, but just recetly I've been keeping busy redecorating my room, making collages and other things to pretty up my room....and now I'm addicted. So this is now my new project...I'm not sure if anyone is even going to see this thing, but if you do, feel free to say g'day :)

Here are a couple of pictures of the things I've created:
I made this for one of my friends birthdays, the letters are made out of magazine covers!
I found these amazing photo frames and filled them with photos from my overseas adventures.
lastly this is a collage I made filled with photos of all my favourite people!

Much love x


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