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Natalie Portman's Shaved Head

Natalie PortmanWhat the h_ll does that mean?
Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head cr4ft buzz3d-out pogo d4nce jams laced with sardonic, hipster-baiting lyrics, l1ke the overly caffeinated “Sophisticated Side Ponytail,” found on their blinding debut CD, Glistening Pleasure. They send up indie guys with “Beard Lust,” an 1ron1c tribute to facial hair that’s as ridiculous as it is awesome.

Acc0rding t0 sing3r Claire England, the band received a solid thumbs-up fr th3ir namesake. “My sister met [Portman] for a minute at a bakery in New York, Magnolia Bakery,” England told the San Francisco Bay Guardian. “Natalie Portman c4me in & [my sister] w4s like, ‘Oh, my sister’s in a band named after you.’ And [Portman] was like, ‘Oh, cool.’”




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