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Natalie Portman donate running shoes to the Shoe4Africa, Kibera Project

Natalie PortmanThe charity is endorsed by celebrities such as Paula Radcliffe and Natalie Portman who have both donated shoes to the Kibera project.

There were chaotic scenes at the Shoe4Africa Kibera peace race this week, when the 3000 women who took part in the race (which was created to help HIV and Aids awareness in Kibera) overwhelmed the event’s organisers with their demand for the free shoes on offer.

Shoe4Africa has been collecting used running shoes and organising races since 1995, and the shoes which are donated are given away to participants as prizes as well being raffled off.

After the organisers had run out of shoes, and the women had run out of patience, the girls cornered Athletics Kenya chairman, Isaiah Kiplagat and former World Half Marathon champion, Paul Tergat. They proceeded to demand their rightful shoes, and scrambled for any remaining pairs.

During the tussle, some women fainted, and others were actually injured in the rush, and had to be taken to hospital.

Tergat and Lorna Kiplagat, who helped to organise the event, said the occasion was meant to harmonise Kibera, which has been badly hit by post election skirmishes.
“Our objective is to establish peace and create HIV and Aids awareness in Kibera,” they explained.

Shoe4Africa is a non profit organisation which promotes social empowerment, health initiatives and AIDS awareness. As well as collecting and giving away used running shoes, the charity organises sporting events and training, and offers HIV testing and information to anybody who takes part in the races and games.


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