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See Red Sonja Sever Heads....Live!

Well probably not, but there WILL be swordplay so anything could happen!

We've seen some amazing photos of Red Sonja's alter ego, Wendy Potter, on CROM! once before (here), and now she's stopped by to let us know (with a little friendly prodding, that is) about an upcoming appearance...a swords demo at Mountain Empire Comics in Johnson City, TN on Saturday Nov. 27th, 2010!

"Admission is free. The show will last about 20 minutes and will feature the Ballad of Red Sonja by Frank Thorne as before music."...Big savings that day at Mountain Empire, so if you're in the area, head on down for cheap backissues, videos, toys, tees, and graphic novels, and enjoy the show!

Wow.  Every comic store should have a Wendy out front.

Whether you can make it or not, be sure to stop on by her website (Red Sonja and the Hyborian Players) for a whole lotta cool!  To wrap things up, this picture from Wendy's site is screaming for a caption, but I'm at a loss...I've set it up for you, my Hyborian brethren...got funny?


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