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Watch Triunfo del Amor Capitulo 25 Free Online

Watch Triunfo del Amor Capitulo 25 Free Online : Even before the start of the opera 'Triunfo del Amor Capitulo 25 ', the lovers of this kind and loyal to its predecessor, has been ready for something that "would think" producer Salvador Mejia. And see the results of disaster and ridiculous, that in addition to the changes, and sorry that you are given permission to bring history back to the screen icons Mejia.

This novel has good actors, scenery and have no doubt that a good budget. But falling into the ridiculous to put Carmen Salinas and Cuauhtemoc Blanco as an actor.

In addition, history has scenes and lines are marked exactly perfectly well informed, but producers moved them, changed them and the results were horrible.

From the things that he clapped his hands 'privileges loved' soap opera, which remains only in novelero genre scenes, including:

When "Luciana Duval" discovered "Andrew" and "Lucretia" in Jacucci, or superiority Klitbo Cintia antagonist shave, or script Marga Lopez in the character of the religious fanatic, one of the most marked, when he admitted his son Imam that "Cristina" is his daughter .

In the first version, the executive director Carla Estrada attention to every detail, so that in the early chapters are the other actors who play young characters as Edith that makes Elena Rojo, and it's painful scene that leaves her daughter while this storm.

While the new version of the same Victoria Ruffo and Daniela Romo who starred as the young people themselves.

Daniela Romo we respect as an actress, too bad that encourage poor and falling into the ridiculousness of characters, nobody believes, put it screamed and scripts that do not arrive on the heels of a unique crime "ana Joaquina.

While Victoria Ruffo continue to act as the 'Abrazame' in touch 'stepmother', we must also remind you that your characters are not protagonists.

Clearly, 'Triumph of Love' does not enjoy the public, perhaps because the "privilege to love 'leave feeling great, or because the remake is so instructed Chavita Mejia (recall and destroy' Wild at Heart 'and' Last stepmother") and is reflected in the little by little they lost their audience, undoubtedly so that no one who approached the boxer fights between characters William Levy and Osvaldo RĂ­os.


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