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Even More Conan in Japan!

Our good friend Banjin continues to impress, this time with the interior artwork of artist Shuuji Yanagi from the Lancer translated books of publisher Sogen Suiri Bunko from the early 1970's!  Check out Banjin's original post on Conan the Oblivioner HERE, and don't forget to thank him for such awesomeness! And while you're there, click on the cover scans for a better look!

コナンと髑髏の都, 1971
Original: Conan (Lancer, 1968), Howard, de Camp, Carter

コナンと石碑の呪い, 1971
Original: Conan of Cimmeria (Lancer, 1969), Howard, de Camp, Carter

コナンと荒鷲の道, 1971
Original: Conan the Freebooter (Lancer, 1968), Howard, de Camp

コナンと焔の短剣, 1972
Original: Conan the Wanderer (Lancer, 1968), Howard, de Camp, Carter

コナンと黒い予言者, 1973
Original: Conan the Adventurer (Lancer, 1966), Howard, de Camp

コナンと毒蛇の王冠, 1973
Original: Conan the Buccaneer (Lancer, 1971), de Camp, Carter

コナンと古代王国の秘宝, 1974
Original: Conan the Warrior (Lancer, 1967), Howard, de Camp

Once again, THANK YOU Banjin!


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