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Random Conan Awesomeness!

Joe Jusko stopped by earlier today to let us know that he's finished his Conan/Belit painting, and it's another gem! Preview below, now pay Joe a visit (and a compliment) on his deviantArt page (here), and check out the full size image!

Turns out it's for the cover for Joe's 2nd sketchbook, due out in the summer of 2011!!

I spotted another tiny picture of Jun Suemi's cover from one of the Japanese editions of Conan (Lancer) over on Banjin's Conan the Oblivioner blog, and it inspired me to once again see if I could get a closer look.  Finally...success!

Speaking of Banjin, I see that he has returned the favor by featuring Crom! on his blog today...how cool is that? Very cool!

Lionsgate has set a release date for Conan 3D, so round up your barbarian horde for an August 19th, 2011 bloodletting!

Lot's more movie info and pics here, there, and everywhere if you haven't been paying attention!  

On a related note, word came from screendaily.com that Paradox Entertainment has joined forces with Double Barrel Motion Labs to produce a Conan motion comic titled Conan: The Savage Tales, as a prequel to the upcoming Conan movie!

And finally, where the *$#*@!#* is the Solomon Kane movie? I just finished writing a big long rant wondering why it hasn't been released in North America yet (and then promptly deleted it, rather than subject you to my whining).  At this point, it still looks like we're going to have to continue to demand it in order to see it, or settle for Citizen Kane!



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