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Fancy Meeting You Here!

Much to our delight, Conan (or some Conan-alike) has popped up in some pretty strange places in the Marvel Universe over the years…

Vol 1, #47, February 1992

Alan Davis: Writer/Penciler

Is that Conan the sex-erian in “the omniversal majestrix Opal Luna Saturnyne’s private chamber”…

...Oh no she didn’t!

Avengers Forever
#12, February 2000

Script: Kurt Busiek
Pencils: Carlos Pacheco

That sure looks like Conan surging forward with a “tide of heroes” to lay a smack-down on the hellacious Time-Keepers, Timex and Rolex…Ok, ya got me. I made those names up.

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme
Vol 3, #11, December 1989

Roy and Dann Thomas: Writers
Jackson Guice: Artwork

Well there’s no doubt about it in this case. Pretty safe bet that Roy had a hand in this one, so I have no problem cutting him some slack.   To the pits of Arallu with you, filthy bloodsuckers!

Back tomorrow with more Conan in odd places!


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