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Have you seen this helmet?

A Crom! reader and proud owner of this helmet is convinced that Arnold wore it briefly in one of the Conan movies. I watched both movies again a couple weeks back, and I didn't see it (although perhaps I dozed off a bit during Destroyer)...Does anyone out there recognize it?

Thanks in advance!

*** Update ***

Alright, I'm quite convinced that this helmet is not in a Conan movie, unless it's in a deleted scene, or appears somewhere in an extended version. I think this is the guy that Mikeyboy was referring to...

My best guess all along was one of Doom's henchmen in the battle of the mounds scene - several of them have a helmet much like this guys...

But neither of them look right to me. I also checked the pit fight scene again, and it's just not there. And you're right Reis, I didn't see Conan wearing a helmet anywhere in Destroyer.

Thanks for all your efforts Mikeyboy! Now, who's going to volunteer to look for it in Red Sonja?


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