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Blog Awards!

I was very suprised yesterday to receive two 'lovely blog awards' from Hannah and Natalie - Thanks a lot ladies!

Its nice to know that my little blog is not only being read, but also enjoyed by you guys - It's a great feeling! :)

"In order to accept the award:
Post this on your blog and link back to whoever awarded it to you.
Award to 10-15 bloggers you feel deserve this.
Contact them about the award."

I think that 10-15 people seems like an awful lot, especially considering I only have 22 follwers! So instead I have chosen my 7 favourite blogs. These ladies have amazing blogs and have been super supportive of mine, always commenting and just being beautiful followers - Thanks heaps ladies!!

Kourtney at Obsession

Monica at Monica Rambles

Sienna at Fashion Sienna

Hannah at The Fashion Genie

Natalie at Nataliee

Katie at Pink Beauty Bliss

Mimi at Heels on the Sidewalk

Check them out if you haven't already!

Much Love xx


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