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To stay slim during the holidays

Children's school holidays can be a great time for parents to take leave. Vacation is the perfect time for a moment forget about the bustle and fatigue.
However, the holidays can also make someone ignore health and healthy lifestyles. Some people experience after a holiday is sick or growing fat. You and your family can spend the holidays with a healthy and stay fit with the following four tips from Glamour.
1. Drinking lots of water
Many of us who forgot to drink water while on vacation. Lack of a liquid raises many issues such as weakening the body's cells that makes the body more susceptible to disease. Dehydration also causes urinary tract infections (UTI), which is very annoying, headache and confusion of the body between the hungry and thirsty. So no dehydration during the holidays, always provide adequate drinking water bottle for you and your entire family.

2. Keep the humidity of the nose
Health experts recommend that travelers use the airline to use nose spray to keep it moist. Why? A moist nose is the first defense against germs that stick to the hole like a cracked nose because dry.

3. Forget desserts and high-calorie snacks
Vacation does not mean you can eat all the food served. Fat-rich cake coverings such as chocolate cake, cocktails, chips, could trigger the lifting of sugar and excess weight. You can eat in small portions and not too often.

4. Notice drinks
When a holiday, outdoor, high-calorie sweet drinks cold is everybody's favorite. You can easily drink a few cans of soda every day or a big glass of cocktail alone. To be more safe, you should choose low-calorie beverages such as fresh fruit juice with a little sugar or wine.


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