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Fire and Ice!

Hey, I'm only some 27 years late on this one, and it's not Conan, but with the likes of Frank Frazetta, Roy Thomas, and Gerry Conway heavily involved in it's making (and in lieu of Red Nails, which may never see the light of day), this movie must have a mention on Crom!

Yup, it's Ralph Bakshi's cool animated sword & sorcery flick from 1983, Fire and Ice!  I watched it again the other day and, well, loved it!  Here's the trailer:

There's that unforgettable sex goddess Teegra (pronounced "Tee-yummy-gah-ooh-slobber-mmm-gra").  Let's have another look:

Hell Yeah!  And what other little treats related to this movie are out there?  Well a fan by the name of Monsterforge has gone and modded a LCBH Conan figure to make this cool custom Darkwolf action figure!

More pics and info about this action figure can be had by heading over to FigureRealm (here).

Also worth checking out if you missed it, this 300/Fire and Ice Trailer put together by one Stevers80 - funny stuff!

Now head on over to YouTube (more specifically here) before it implodes, and bask (or rebask, as the case may be) in all of the glory that is Fire and Ice!


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