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Conan the Indy!

Maybe not Conan specific, but certainly enough Conan in here to qualify for a post on CROM! We're going on a little journey through the world of indy comics, to take a look at some creations that have recently been brought to my attention (although they’ve been around for a while).

First up, from Counteractive Comics, and available over on IndyPlanet (Here), it’s Varuk!

Varuk’s backstory sounds somewhat similar to that of another barbarian we all know and love:

“Ko Yingh Varuk, a northern barbarian,is determined to leave his clan and venture into the civilized lands to the south. But mountains lie between Varuk and his destination, mountains haunted by spirits and guarded by the army of a southern emperor. Will his journey end before it has barely even begun?

Varuk chronicles the adventures of a barbarian youth who ventures into civilized lands in search of his destiny.”

Featuring the artwork of the talented Miguel Ángel Cáceres, who’s got some history with Conan comics (appearing in Spanish editions of Savage Sword of Conan, Conan the Barbarian, and Savage Tales)!  Here’s one of his Conan pieces…

You can see a whole lot more of Miguel and his barbaric creations by paying him a visit on his website (right about….Here)!

Next up, from comic creator Steve Coffin, it’s the voluptuous Lutu, Warrior of the North! Lutu is a whole lotta woman, I kid you not!

Am I the only one who finds this incredibly sexy?  A plus size barbarian woman apparently inspired by the likes of Red Sonja, Xena Warrior Princess, and Asterix the Gaul (Asterix? ha ha). Here’s her deal:

"Lutu is a Barbarian Chef who is the sister of a famous Warrior and she takes up the mantle of her sister's identity in a quest to find her after her sister goes missing."

Head on over to Steve’s website (Here) or IndyPlanet (Here) to get your Lutu on!

And last but not least, check this out – Butch Burcham’s Barbaric Worlds!

“BARBARIC WORLDS is sword and sorcery in the tradition of ROBERT E. HOWARD and EGAR RICE BURROUGHS. Each issue contains an installment of DARKWULF THE HELLWARRIOR, a sword and sandal story about a man trapped in a hellish nightmare, and an installment of APOCALYPTIC TRIBESMEN, a futuristic tale of a world gone mad due global warming. There is also a portfolio section featuring HOWARD and BURROGHS style art.”

Based on that description, it sounds like it’s right up my alley! Let’s have a little peek inside…

Apparently Butch has quite the history in the comics biz, and his resume even includes that of assistant inker to Tony DeZuniga on Savage Sword Of Conan! He’s got some pretty impressive Conan art (and a whole lot of other incredible stuff) posted over on his website (Here)!  One small sample below…

Barbaric Worlds can be yours by making the trip to IndyPlanet (X marks the spot)!


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